Got some words

Thankyou Tazein, for nominating me, its first time for me to get nominated,  I must add that while answering these questions I have been through many things I have never considered that way. Congratulations to you for the tag award. The term is quite new for me. Anyways its been nice to meet you in the blogging journey. Hope this will go a long way in a great manner. Stay blessed and may Allah keep you always safe and happy. Ameen.

1-What is your earliest childhood memory?
Ans: Being on half-moon beach, Alkhobar, on almost every week-end with parents and their family friends. Our old house , its wooden windows that opened on the main road, terrace.
Playing with my sister, and all the time letting her be the winner.
Always trying to approach and read all the available books in the home, sitting in some hidden corner place,  in long afternoons, and in the bed late night and baba always telling me to take care of my eyes.
2-From where do you get inspiration for your writings?
Ans: Any thought, scene, observation in daily life around me can trigger this inspiration to write. Its like a trance most of the time. As if this has been written for me to pay my part.
3-Are you content and at peace with yourself?
Ans: At times, I am unbelievably content, and at times things turn upside down. Its a constant process.
4-Which is your favorite movie?
Ans: Captain Carolli’s mandolin, Wuthering heights, Black, ….many more
5-What is the one thing you wish to achieve in life?
Ans: I wish to achieve some noble cause and to attain the place which my baba wished for me and so named me. To play such a role in life that can make my death free of any regrets, to die contentedly and leave behind many hearts to pray.
6-Are you a believer in God?
Ans: To the limit that I ask Allah to guide me before every step in life, from major tasks to small house chores.
7-How do you pull yourself out of sadness?
Ans: Place my head before Allah, meditate, share with my best friend(s), take some quality time with my kids, reading.
8-Which is your favorite place to visit?
Ans: Sea-shore, beach, river,  enchanting Naraan valey, and mystic Shograan.
9-Do you have a family, that is are you married with kids or single?
Ans: Yes, I do have a family.
10-Do you cry easily or keep it bottled up?
Ans: A long time ago, It was quite rare for me to cry, but now it is easy. Still in a way to find the clue for this major change.
11- Are you self- confident, ready to take on the world?
Ans: Yes, I am. No doubt, I can go to any extent for the righteous logic and my passion.