Can Water Be Dry?

Can water be dry

We all are very familiar to a topic, that is, which language to learn as a priority and which one is to be ignored? In our way to find a suitable answer for this question, we must have a clear definition of “language”

Language is a communicating tool at the first place and it also contains all the flavour of its specific background. You can never remove this flavouring content from a language. It’s just like having DRY WATER. So if there can’t exist any dry water, there can’t be a language without its cultural flavour

Letting a language enter your world, you can’t escape the cultural impact of it. It comes all together. There could be some questions popping in the minds at this point. How can we manage this cultural impact of a language? How many languages could be adopted then? Does this cultural impact really matters

Yes, it does. In a very effective and long-lasting way. We must be fully aware of this fact. And in the mean time, we must have a clear picture of the importance that a language holds

Learning one language never means to ignore the other one. Every language has its own place and purpose. Not one can take the place of the other. This is the very point to be made clear at all levels. This shift in the vision will affect the whole perspective regarding areas of learning, teaching, behaving, speaking and thinking

You cant reach your roots if you keep at a distance from your native language. Roots are what meant for originality, simply. An origin is from where all your existence finds it’s all traits and trends. It’s the way you behave, apparently and inside. The way your gesture reflects and your thought flows

You can have a proof of this concept if you have ever tried to copy a person of any foreign language. Or whenever you tried to speak to a kid in his accent. You cant get the very idea of a book in a foreign language until you are aware of the cultural flavour and spice of that language. Foreign songs take you to the feeling of that specific culture. So, . . . .the language must be taken as a tool and meant to contain a whole set of thinking and behaviour

Frankly speaking, one or more foreign languages must be adopted for the means of approach and exposure and the native language must have a firm connection within a person to solidify the originality. It all goes smooth without any confusion. It must never be taken as a matter of classification